Friday, August 7, 2009

Why the Slogans? (or platitudes!)

Take it One Day at a Time!
Directions to AA: Just go straight to hell and make a U-turn.
Move closer to AA and move closer to yourself.
Being a part of something is more important than being the center of attention.
We are not reformed drunks–but informed alcoholics.
You will never have to drink again, and will you will never be alone again.
A.A. stands for Attitude Adjustment
AA is not for people who want it or for people who need is for people who do it!
I have become a pupil of A.A. rather than the teacher I thought I was.
Life is 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it.
If the cure works, chances are, you have the disease.
Once you are a pickle, you can't be a cucumber. But once you are a pickle, you can be a newcomer.
The three most dangerous words for an alcoholic-"I've been thinking"
We are not bad people becoming good, but sick people becoming well.
Your disease progresses even when you are not drinking.
Alcoholism is a self-diagnosed disease.
Alcoholism is a physical compulsion coupled with a mental obsession.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change
the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Who you see here, what you hear here, let it stay here.
Keep an attitude of gratitude.
To attract the right person, become the right person.
Believing in God Beats Our Old Knowledge.
You spot it, you got it.
If you are too busy to pray, you are too busy.
Everything after "but" is BS.
If you want to find out what your character defects are, fall in love.
Keep coming back, it works!
We are not different from others, God just made us special.
Fake it 'til you make it.
The number one way to relieve pain is to forgive.
Going to any length means forgiving the person who has injured you the most.
Insanity is the seeming inability to learn from past mistakes.
A job is something that happens to you on the way to a meeting.
K.I.S.S.: Keep It Simple, Stupid.
Many meetings, many chances. A few meetings, a few chances. No meetings, no chance.
When you are in a meeting, your disease is outside doing push-ups.
Is it odd, or is it God?
Don't worry, if you don't get the program right away, it will get you.
Don't quit before the miracle happens.
The further you are from your last drink, the closer you are to the next one.
The process is perfect; let it work.
Shut up, show up and say "yes."

There are hundreds more. They become Mantras, and members always quotes them when sharing. Members are not encouraged to think outside the 12 steps.

The basic ideas are always the same; Higher Power or God, and meetings meetings meetings. Does that not sound like a cult to you?

Beliefs is a personnal matter. You can be a believer or an atheist and still be an addict. The anonymous meeting will try to convince you that you need to believe in order to get better. It is the only way! Do not fall into the cult trap. As I previously explained, try getting better via EMDR. It is that simple.

Forgiveness is another false belief. It is a personnal choice, but has absolutely no bearring on wether you will be able to overcome the addiction.

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